Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prima Dumbass

I don't know how it is in your industry, but in mine, prima donnas are as prevalent as blades of grass in a lawn. This is interesting because one of the primary traits of the prima donna is this sense that they are the best and infalliable while those around them are idiots and a waste of space. At least that's the case with software prima donnas. However, if you do the math, n-1 of them are full of it. There can be only one. Haven't I used that quote before?

So anyway, for some reason, I end up being stuck working with these people more often than not and currently I've got a new one I'm partnered with for a project. I make mistakes. I'm not perfect (I realize this is a shocking admission) and I'm always learning new things. The constant acquisition of new information and skills is one of the things I've always loved about what I do for a living.

In general I readily admit these things to anyone and everyone who asks. I get excited about what I'm doing, and am more than willing to argue a point, but I also am ready to see the other side and admit when I've made a mistake. Evidently this is a very rare thing in my industry.

I really don't know what to do with these people though. They are condescending and rude at the very least and at the worst they attempt to actually undermine other people. This guy I'm dealing with is the latter sort.

What's the point of all this? Just getting it off my chest in a forum that I control, rather than exploding in anger and raging at him. He's not even really as great as he thinks he is, so if it came to that, putting him in his place would be rather easy.

But I guess I have to ask myself a hard question: maybe there's something...insufficient about me. Maybe it's me who has the issue, not these people. I mean, there are plenty of people that I DO work well with...usually they are polite, interested in doing what's best and discussing things rationally.

Eh, it's his fault. It's not my fault he's a moron and I'm perfect in every way. I shouldn't have to account for his shortcomings.